Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Petition Coalition, 1/7/15 - Domestic Cornucopia Edition

Join the "Petition Coalition" by following these links and signing those that you agree with!

TLC (who are now a far stretch from “The Learning Channel”) are planning to air a special called “My Husband's Not Gay,” promoting the completely debunked idea that homosexuality is something that can be (or should be) “overcome” through prayer and/or the scandalous and widely banned “reparative therapy” that has damaged so many who believed in its ability to change their sexuality. Tell TLC that airing a special about something completely refuted by the medical and psychiatric communities is appalling:

Cosmetics companies like L'Oreal promote their campaigns to fight cancer, but at the same time, they serve as a carcinogen delivery system to their customers, putting dangerous chemicals into many of their products—even baby products. Tell them that it they're going to talk the talk, they have to walk the walk, and remove all of these cancer-causing chemicals from their product lines:

“The Volcker Rule” was passed to prevent banks from making the risky gambles that crashed the economy under President Bush and created the massive recession out from which we are still digging ourselves. Last month, the Federal Reserve announced that they were instituting a two year delay in implementing the law, allowing banks to act as hedge funds and put your—our—money at risk. Tell the Fed that this element of Dodd-Frank financial reform legislation must be implemented NOW:

92% of gun owners and even 86% of Republicans polled support expanding background checks to cover every gun purchase in the U.S., regardless of where and how it's bought. Rep. Mike Thompson of California plans to introduce a bill to expand background checks to cover the loopholes of online and gun show sales. Ask your member of Congress to stand with him and pass this sensible firearm safety legislation:

Thanks for fighting the good fight, and for all the little ways you change the world!

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