Thursday, April 22, 2010

Make every day Earth Day!

Today is the 40th anniversary of Earth Day. I remember how stoked I was on the 20th anniversary, when I was a high school senior. In part, it inspired me to start the first ever recycling program at my school. But more than that, it made me begin to live my life as if every day was Earth Day. Sure, sometimes I still buy food that's over-packaged, and I enjoy a lengthy shower, but for the most part, it's pretty easy to be an everyday environmentalist.

You've probably heard the tips a thousand times: buy local produce (or better yet, grow your own). Reduce. Reuse. Recycle. Buy in bulk. Walk or bike as often as possible. Put a timer on your air conditioner and heater. Plant a tree. Use canvas bags for your groceries. Compost your kitchen scraps. Close the drapes on hot, sunny days (or open them on cold, sunny days). Don't litter. Reduce your meat consumption. Take public transportation. Join the library. Carry an aluminum water bottle. Turn off lights and appliances when out of the room. "If it's yellow, let it mellow; if it's brown, flush it down."

None of them take much effort, and after a little while, they truly become second nature. Pick a few and give it a'll see!

Another important thing you can do in your daily life is to stay on top of environmental issues and make your voice heard by local, state, and federal officials. There are a bunch of great groups out there who can keep you in the loop about pressing environmental issues year-round, and who make it easy to contact the proper authorities with a click of your mouse. If you want to get more intimate with your planet, sign up for their newsletters below (you might want to create a bulk email address for action alerts and the like).