Monday, May 24, 2010

Little Change Is The Way Of The World

I realized the other day that I hadn't done an update on the amount of found money I've gathered for charity so far this year. The reason I had this realization was that in about ten different places in a single day, I stooped to snag another 31 cents. Those two dimes and eleven pennies bring the grand total so far to $18.47!

That's an average of about 13 cents every single day so far this year. Sure, that figure is skewed by the few bills that I've found, but the vast majority of it is in change, as you can see in the photo.

Has anybody else been keeping track?

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

"Skip Lunch Fight Hunger" with City Harvest!

Tomorrow, May 12 is the annual City Harvest "Skip Lunch Fight Hunger" campaign, when teams of people throughout the five boroughs of New York (and beyond!) ask their friends, family, and colleagues to chip in and help reduce the number of hungry mouths in our world.

Whether or not you join (or start) a team and raise funds, I hope you'll at least throw a few bucks at the campaign. It's easy as pie...or at least as easy as giving up your pie: just donate what you would normally spend on a single day's lunch to City Harvest, who will use your generous gift to feed hungry children and families throughout the metro area! If you can spare $10 every day for a burger and fries or soup/salad/soda, surely you can sacrifice a few bucks to help support those less fortunate.

Of course, you don't actually have to give up a meal, and you're encouraged to donate much more than you spend on your average meal!
A few stats that show how far your lunch money can go:

$10 can help feed 7 children for a week.
$20 can help feed 3 children for a month.
$40 can help feed 2 children for the entire summer.

Over $400,000 was raised last year through the Skip Lunch Fight Hunger campaign to help feed hungry children and families throughout New York, and hopefully this year will pull in even more donations. I joined the City Harvest team ("The Harvesters"), and I'm hoping to solicit the support of friends and family--and readers!--to add at least $250 to that total. If you feel like putting a few of your hard-earned dollars to use providing nourishment for the needy, your sponsorship would be much appreciated!

If there's a similar campaign (or any other good cause) that you'd like to share news about, please post it in the comments section. I always love learning about new pro-social initiatives!