Sunday, February 23, 2014

Petition Coalition Roundup - February 23, 2014

Join the "Petition Coalition" by following these links and signing those that you agree with!  

Even though marijuana is now legal in Colorado, sentences for jailed marijuana "offenders" have not been commuted. Tell Governor Hickenlooper that it's only right to pardon those individuals:

Join Senator Bernie Sanders in demanding an increase in the federal minimum wage to $10.10 per hour:

PNC Bank and other Wall Street firms invest huge sums of money in companies that wreck our wilderness by doing "mountaintop removal" mining. Tell them to divest immediately:

In the past, the USPS provided limited banking services. Allowing them to do it again would not only provide them much needed revenue, but would help a huge number of poor people who don't have access to services from Wall Street banks:

Imagine that you woke up in a motel room with no memory of how you got there, reported to the police that you thought you'd been drugged and raped, and instead of being given victim services, you were tied to a chair, pepper sprayed, and had your hair cut off. Demand justice for Charda Gregory and get these abusive cops fired:

Ask the Olympics to make a permanent rule change, disallowing any country from hosting the games if they have laws that conflict with Principle 6's anti-discriminatory sentiments:

Tell the President that political folk legend Pete Seeger deserves a memorial on the National Mall in Washington, D.C.:

Texas's Department of Transportation plans to bulldoze trees that are hundreds of years old. Tell them to find an alternate route to save these ancient beauties:

Tell Kansas that anti-gay discrimination is NOT a "religious" value:

Some cities are trying to battle the housing crisis through the use of eminent domain, but the banking industry is fighting them every step of the way. Ask the new director of the Federal Housing Finance Agency to let localities follow through on this effort:

A Missouri man waiting for a verdict on his death sentence appeal was dragged from his cell and executed. Demand that the state's attorney general investigate this criminal act:

The US Department of Agriculture actually might allow chicken farmers to perform their OWN inspections. Tell them this can only lead to dirtier and less safe products:

Thanks for fighting the good fight, and for all the little ways you change the world!

Sunday, February 16, 2014

Petition Coalition Roundup - February 16, 2014

Join the "Petition Coalition" by following these links and signing those that you agree with!  

Ask Wayne State University to stop their cruel and deadly medical experiments on dogs:

If Comcast is allowed to buy Time Warner Cable, they will have as close to a cable and internet monopoly as we've ever had in the U.S. Tell the FCC to say NO to this merger:

The "Trans-Pacific Partnership" has wide-ranging consequences for the average American, but the average citizen doesn't hear much about it because the press is ignoring attempts to fast-track it through Congress. Demand coverage so people are aware of this shoddy deal:

The EPA's final report confirms that an open pit mine in Alaska's pristine Bristol Bay wilderness would have disastrous environmental impacts. Tell the administration to fight it:

The vast majority of President Obama's judicial appointees have been corporate lawyers. Tell him it's time to start appointing public interest lawyers to the federal bench:

Pope Francis has done amazing things since he took office, but he still hasn't followed through on his promise to crack down on child abusers within the church. Encourage him to do so ASAP:

BCBS of Louisiana is refusing federal money meant to help HIV/AIDS patients afford their drugs. Demand that they stop playing games with patients lives:

A proposed fracking project in Maryland would release more greenhouse gases than all seven of the state's coal burning plants COMBINED! Tell Governor O'Malley to fight agains the project:

Urge the Egyptian government to crack down on the frequent kidnappings for ransom happening in the Sinai:

Monsanto's RoundUp pesticide has killed off monarch butterflies to their lowest population in recorded history. Tell them to pull this deadly product now:

Thanks for fighting the good fight, and for all the little ways you change the world!

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Petition Coalition Roundup - February 12, 2014

Join the "Petition Coalition" by following these links and signing those that you agree with!

Make sure your senators know that you want them to stand up for the 26K service members who experience sexual assault every year and endorse the Military Justice Improvement Act:

Urge your representative to sign on with the Government By The People act, and put the elections back in the hands of the electorate instead of big money donors:

Debit card transactions don't count toward building a positive credit report, which largely effects low income people: encourage credit bureaus to provide parity:

Tell Craigslist to enforce their own rules and protect pets from abuse by not allowing their sale on the site:

Basic consumer protections don't apply to student loans--demand that they do by supporting the Student Borrowers' Bill of Rights:

Protect Chesapeake Bay from special interests working to undermine wildlife restoration efforts:

Tell Congress that the minimum wage doesn't just need to be raised, it needs to be indexed to rise with inflation:

Let Tunisian legislators know that their inclusive and progressive constitution is an amazing model for not just the Middle East, but the entire world:

Tell North Carolina's governor that his citizens deserve protection from the repeated Clean Water Act violations of his former employer Duke Energy, and that he should put NC's citizens above the coal industry:

Thanks for fighting the good fight, and for all the little ways you change the world!

Monday, February 10, 2014

Petition Coalition Roundup - February 10, 2014

Join the "Petition Coalition" by following these links and signing those that you agree with!

Ask the bishop of Helena, Montana to reinstate a teacher fired for becoming pregnant:

Say no to a gas pipeline expansion in NY, MA, CT, and RI:

Tell Congress to stop blocking an extension of emergency unemployment benefits:

Demand justice for a women who was fired by her employer because her ex-husband was harassing her with threats of violence:

Tell Facebook and Instagram that unregulated gun sales shouldn't be allowed on their sites:

Put an end to the National Republican Congressional Committee's devious scam websites masquerading as donations to rival campaigns:

Speak up for equal access to educational materials for students with disabilities:

No child should go hungry at school because their parents are broke: shame Utah schools for throwing away lunches of students whose parents accounts were in arrears:

Tell the World Bank to put pressure on Kenya to halt the burning and eviction of indigenous forest dwellers:

Put an end to evangelicals kidnapping youth and shipping them off to an unregulated detention camp in the Dominican Republic:

Thanks for fighting the good fight, and for all the little ways you change the world!

Saturday, February 8, 2014

Petition Coalition Roundup - February 8, 2014

Join the "Petition Coalition" by following these links and signing those that you agree with!  

Sports companies with massive profits need to pay taxes—demand that Congress end the NFL’s ridiculous non-profit status:

Tell Texas hospital and state who wrongfully kept a brain dead woman on life support that THEY should foot the bill, not her husband:

Stop farmers from injecting “organic” eggs with antibiotics:

Tell NYC and the state of New York that no company as big as Madison Square Garden deserves a property tax exemption:

Tell the administration that the Keystone XL tar sands pipeline is NOT in our national interest:

Demand that a country prosecutor drop charges against a man who already served 20 years in prison for a murder he did not commit:

Tell Wendy’s to join other national chains in ending slave labor on Florida tomato farms:

Encourage the Minnesota legislature to pass a law banning “gay conversion therapy” and protecting young people from its damages:

Ask Netflix to continue standing strong in favor of Net Neutrality:

It’s way past time to reform the Electoral College: tell your legislators you support a national popular vote for president: 

Thanks for fighting the good fight, and for all the little ways you change the world!