Saturday, January 3, 2015

Petition Coalition, 1/3/15 - Environmental Edition

Join the "Petition Coalition" by following these links and signing those that you agree with! 

Bee populations have dropped precipitously in recent years, largely due to pesticides so wide-ranging that they not only kill pests, but the very necessary insects who pollinate our crops. Now the EPA is considering approval of this class of indiscriminate killer chemicals on a whole slew of foodstuffs, from oats to alfalfa to corn. We can't let “agro” be so “aggro.” Plead with the EPA to deny the Dow Agroscience application for expansion of sulfoxaflor use: 

As much as Starbucks heralds its accomplishments as a pro-social, environmentally friendly company, they are a part of a lawsuit to prevent the state of Vermont from mandating labels on any genetically modified foods. While there may not actually be any harmful effects from eating GMOs, every person has a right to know whether or not their products are modified and make an educated decision. Tell Starbucks that this lawsuit flies in the face of their company's public profile: 

Big business—and their allies in Congress—are attempting to water down the Endangered Species Act (proposed and signed into law by a Republican president, before that party by and large abandoned its environmental conservatism). Let the House Natural Resources Committee know that you stand strongly behind the protection of dwindling wildlife: 

U.S. energy policy tips the scales in favor of dirty energy products like oil and coal through tax breaks and subsidies—perks that the renewable energy sector don't get because their profits and lobbying power are so much lower than the “mainstream” fossil fuel companies. Tell the new incoming Congress that clean energy deserves the same legislative privileges as Big Oil:

Thanks for fighting the good fight, and for all the little ways you change the world!

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