Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Petition Coalition Roundup - March 24, 2014

Join the "Petition Coalition" by following these links and signing those that you agree with!

Voice your support of Senator Elizabeth Warren's plans to help ease the burden of student loan debt on college students (and graduates): http://www.credomobilize.com/petitions/let-s-end-the-student-debt-crisis

Burlington Coat Factory contributes to the death of millions of animals every year by continuing to sell fur items. Ask them to make their inventory cruelty-free: https://www.change.org/petitions/burlington-coat-factory-go-fur-free-to-help-animals

New York State has some of its Common Retirement Fund invested in fossil fuels. Ask them to halt the practice, and divest from any fossil fuel-related funds within the next five years: http://www.credomobilize.com/petitions/let-s-divest-new-york-state-from-fossil-fuels

There is an outbreak of Bubonic Plague in Madagascar right now. Ask the World Health Organization to step in and ensure that the potential epidemic doesn't spread: http://act.watchdog.net/petitions/4115

Mattel makes a bald “Ella” Barbie doll for kids going through chemotherapy, but they only make a handful of them. Ask them to ramp up production so that every kid with cancer can have access to one: https://www.change.org/petitions/mattel-please-make-enough-ella-chemotherapy-barbies-for-all-kids-with-cancer

There are only 75 (or less) albino deer in Wisconsin. Ask the state to exclude them from the normal deer hunting season: http://www.thepetitionsite.com/124/514/356/natural-resources-board-member-proposes-white-deer-kill-statewide-vote-april-14-alert-wisconsin-res

Florida's state attorney Angela Corey has failed to convict some high profile criminals, but she now wants to send domestic abuse survivor Marisa Alexander to prison for the rest of her life to trying to defend herself and her children. Ask Governor Rick Scott to remove Corey from office: http://act.colorofchange.org/sign/StopCorey/

New Jersey governor Chris Christie has unilaterally banned electric car company Tesla from selling their cars in his state. Stand up against his anti-environmental, anti-business bullying: http://act.credoaction.com/sign/nj-tesla-ban

The Employent Non-Discrimination Act has repeatedly been blocked by the GOP, but President Obama has the power to issue an executive order banning discrimination based on sexuality or gender identity among federal contractors. Ask him to do so: http://www.credomobilize.com/petitions/president-obama-end-anti-gay-discrimination-by-federal-contractors

Ask drug company Merck to allow compassionate use of an experimental drug for a young woman struggling with kidney cancer: https://www.change.org/petitions/michael-giordano-give-my-wife-a-chance-against-cancer-please-grant-compassionate-use-for-mikaela-right-away

Thanks for fighting the good fight, and for all the little ways you change the world!

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