Monday, March 24, 2014

Petition Coalition Roundup - March 24, 2014

Join the "Petition Coalition" by following these links and signing those that you agree with!

Call on the government of Canada to launch an inquiry into the 800+ missing or murdered Native women in the country:

President Obama has nominated a man who fought AGAINST an open Internet by fighting for SOPA to help negotiate the disastrous Trans Pacific Partnership trade agreement. Tell the Senate to reject his nomination:

The Koch brothers are some of the biggest funders of climate change denial, yet one of them is on PBS channel WGBH's “Science Visiting Council.” Tell the station that a science denier doesn't deserve a seat on that esteemed committee:

Tobacco companies already know the detrimental effects their products have on smokers, but they still force animals into consuming smoke in order to kill and dissect them to monitor the deleterious effects. Tell them to put an end to this cruel and unusual practice:

Two out of three older people in the work force say they have either seen or experienced age discrimination. Ask your Congresspersons to strengthen protections against ageism in the workplace:

The president has acknowledged that marijuana is no more harmful than alcohol, but it's still on the DEA's schedule of most dangerous drugs. Tell the administration to end the needless persecution of pot users:

The EPA's “Green Power Partnership” is supposed to reward companies that invest in renewable energy, but they let companies essentially BUY the certification without taking any environmentally-friendly steps! Tell the agency to revise the rules to only reward the companies doing the right thing:

South Carolina does not allow teenagers to get restraining orders against abusive dating partners, resulting in harassment, abuse, stalking, and sometimes even murder. Encourage Governor Nikki Haley to pass Sierra's Law to put a stop to it:

Americans are falling behind the rest of the world when it comes to higher education, which could be remedied by providing free tuition at public colleges. Tell President Obama, Senator Reid, and Speaker Boehner it's time:

The Comcast-Time Warner merger would create the closest thing to a cable and internet monopoly we've ever had in the U.S. Customer service for both companies is already terrible enough--tell the FCC not to make it worse by allowing this merger to happen:

Thanks for fighting the good fight, and for all the little ways you change the world!

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