Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Petition Coalition Roundup, 12/31/14 - Animal Rights Edition

Join the "Petition Coalition" by following these links and signing those that you agree with! 

A Mississippi man neglected over 100 horses to the point of death or near-death, but is only facing misdemeanor charges because of a swift coverup and shoddy investigation. Ask the state's Attorney General to launch an independent investigation and to press the appropriate charges for this sickening animal abuse:

A football player at the University of Nebraska has admitted to beating a wild raccoon to death because when he tried to capture the frightened animal and take a “selfie,” it bit him and tried to escape. Even though he's admitted to this disgusting act of cruelty, he's received no punishment from the legal system or the university. Demand that he be booted from his team for this outrageous and senseless act of violence to show that there are repercussions for animal abuse:

Service dogs aren't just for the blind: many people suffering from PTSD (mostly military vets) also have registered assistance animals...and yet Starbucks continues to harass many individuals with legally protected canine companions. Ask the corporation to educate their entire national workforce about the Americans With Disabilities Act to put an end to this type of incident:

The Gap's division Piperlime announced in September that they were going fully fur-free and stood against animal cruelty, yet their Intermix division is still slaughtering foxes, kangaroos, and other animals for fur. Tell the parent company that if they really stand for animal welfare, they need to ban fur products from ALL of their stores:

Thanks for fighting the good fight, and for all the little ways you change the world!

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