Returning from an extended trip recently, I was greeted by a sizable pile of mail, including several large envelopes from some of the nonprofits I support. Even though it's only midway through the year, the inevitable onslaught of complimentary calendars has begun!
If you haven't already received one or two 2018 calendars, you'll likely start seeing them come your way soon, either from charities or with magazine subscriptions (and then eventually from a whole bevy of sources as we get closer to year's end).
In years past, I only held onto one from the barrage for my kitchen wall and left the rest in communal areas at work. However, now that I've been volunteering for a couple of years at my local books-to-prisoners collective, I know that wall calendars are actually a hotly requested item among incarcerated people around the turn of the year. Now I funnel any and all excess calendars to my service group, Books Through Bars NYC.
If you're also starting to see a trickle of 2018 calendars and datebooks coming your way, I encourage you to pass them along to an inmate service organization near you. If you live near one, you can likely drop them off in person at a volunteer packing session; if you don't live near one, perhaps you could start building a stack and mail it off to one of the service groups on this list for distribution to a segment of our population that doesn't have access to electronic date keeping.
As the dawn of a new year slowly draws nigh, keep an eye out for more calendars you can pass along, from doctors, elected officials, banks, accountants, auto mechanics, gas stations, fuel delivery companies, dry cleaners, car washes, plumbers, takeout restaurants, and--of course--well intentioned but unnecessary holiday gifts.
As always, thanks for reading--and for all the little things you do to help change the world!